Here are some videos we have made for our clients and studio.
For this video, we did the video sourcing, wrote the script, did the video editing and produced the audio with our commercial audio partner studio Mystik Sound.
For this video, we did the video programming with various tools (such as TouchDesigner), did the video editing and produced the audio with our commercial audio partner studio Mystik Sound.
For this video, we wrote the script, did the storyboarding, compositing and the video editing. We did this twice with the above as an update. We were given the audio to use by our client, app development agencyArcTouch.
For this video, we wrote the script, did the storyboarding, motion graphics and the video editing. We did various edits of this concept. We were given the audio to use by our client, fast-casual restaurant The Melt.
For this video, we wrote the script, did the storyboarding, motion graphics, video editing and produced the audio with our commercial audio partner studio Mystik Sound.